Have a Heart


Does it ever seem like we focus too much on ourselves. “If I only had this, I need that or I wish my house looked like her house.” Do we rely too much on the phrase “The grass is always greener on the other side.” Well if we took time to stop focusing on our needs and saw the world as it is, then we would see the lonely, the needy, the tired and the hopeless. Did you ever think that a random act of kindness on your part could completely change a person’s day. I can remember one day at Starbucks when a stranger paid for my coffee before I made it to the window. I didn’t know them but it really lightened my mood. So this month, being the month of love, let’s show our neighbors that we can take the time to care… You never know, it may change your outlook too.

Amanda Klein

Here are some tips that I love, check out the website for the full list.

1. Write an encouraging note.
2. Give blood.
3. Adopt a soldier.
4. Get a haircut and donate it to Locks of Love.